Main Demo
The demo will assemble at 13.00 for 14.00 start.
Hopefully there will be large numbers on the demo, there could be parking problems, train would be a good alternative as it is right in the centre of the city.
No NATO Choir
For those who come early,we as a choir will be singing for a short while from 12.00 to 12.30 in the city centre.
Then move to the steps of the law courts for a massed sing from 13.00 till 13.45.
We will then move to a point on the demo to sing when the march arrives.
Proposed Songs
- I want to have a little bomb like you
- We Shall Overcome
- Not in my name
- Stand up, make your choice
- Bambelela
- Ain’t gonna study war
- The war machine
- NATO, NATO, money down the drain
- Ye’ll no sit here
- One song, one dance
- Big Society
- Freedom come all ye
Events during the next week
Cor Cochion have a list for those who wish to stay overnight or maybe longer, for there are many events planned over the following week.
Thanks for your help Frank ,on behalf of Cor Cochion ,Paul.